Författare: Elin Andersson, Claes Gejrot, E.A. Jones & Mia Åkestam (eds)
ISBN: 978-91-7402-449-4
ISSN: 0348-1433
Antal sidor: 415
Utgivningsår: 2017
Serie: KVHAA Konferenser 93
Beställningsinformation: Beställ eller ladda ner här
This volume contains a broad review of recent scholarship on Saint Birgitta and the Birgittine Order. The twenty-three papers were originally presented at an international conference at Dartington Hall, Devon, in July 2015. The theme of the conference, Continuity and Change, reflects the history of the order, which over its more than six centuries of existence has seen many changes: periods of growth and decline, expansion and retrenchment, patronage and persecution. Are there any constants, something intangibly, indefinably Birgittine? Is Birgittine identity about adherence to an essence or ideal, or something that is worked out in practice? The interdisciplinary conference gathered scholars specializing in various fields, for instance Art History, Literature, Musicology, Philology and Archaeology.This volume contains a broad review of recent scholarship on Saint Birgitta and the Birgittine Order. The twenty-three papers were originally presented at an international conference at Dartington Hall, Devon, in July 2015. The theme of the conference, Continuity and Change, reflects the history of the order, which over its more than six centuries of existence has seen many changes: periods of growth and decline, expansion and retrenchment, patronage and persecution. Are there any constants, something intangibly, indefinably Birgittine? Is Birgittine identity about adherence to an essence or ideal, or something that is worked out in practice? The interdisciplinary conference gathered scholars specializing in various fields, for instance Art History, Literature, Musicology, Philology and Archaeology.
Editors: Elin Andersson, Claes Gejrot, E. A. Jones & Mia Åkestam
Authors: Brandon Alakas, Kevin Alban, Roger Andersson, Virginia Bainbridge, Erik Bijzet, Tekla Bude, David Carrillo-Rangel, Erik Claeson, Ingela Hedström, Karin Strinnholm Lagergren, Thomas W. Lassen, Markus Lindberg, Carmen M. Mangion, Veronica O’Mara, Tore Nyberg, Elizabeth Perry, Sara Risberg, Eva Lindqvist Sandgren, Hilkka-Liisa Vuori
Kungl. Vitterhets Historie och Antikvitets Akademien
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