Författare: Selander, Sven-Åke (red.)
ISBN: 91-7402-312-8
ISSN: 0348-1433
Antal sidor: 108
Utgivningsår: 2001
Serie: KVHAA Konferenser 52
Beställningsinformation: eddy.se
Ecclesiology, Practical Theology as a branch of research. A meeting of students and teachers of that subject in The Royal Academy of Letters, History and Antiquities 12–13 November 1998.The volume presents material from a meeting of teachers and students of Ecclesiology, Practical Theology. The aim of the conference was to survey projects in progress and discuss questions about research strategies and contents. This was illustrated through reports on teacher’s and post-graduate student’s research, and by professors in Uppsala and Lund who have developed theoretical interpretations of the subject.
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