Författare: Gejrot, Claes, Åkestam, Mia & Andersson, Roger (eds)
ISBN: 978-91-7402-417-3
ISSN: 0348-1433
Antal sidor: 400
Utgivningsår: 2013
Serie: KVHAA Konferenser 82
Beställningsinformation: eddy.se
The Birgittine Experience brings together nineteen papers presented at The Birgitta Conference 2011: A Marcus Wallenberg Symposium (Stockholm, 6–8 October 2011). This richly illustrated volume offers a broad view of recent Birgittine scholarship. The plurality of the field is clearly demonstrated by the fact that the authors represent not only several academic disciplines but also no fewer than ten different countries.
Although a rich variety of topics are addressed and many types of source material have been used, the editors have aimed at thematic unity. Thus, the themes of the individual contributions revolve around three main focal points: vernacular text production in the different monasteries, Birgittine art and culture, and the Birgittine Order in an international setting.
The reader will meet detailed accounts of Birgittine texts, manuscripts and culture: in-depth studies on things such as the visual culture, the theological lines of influence, the didactic function of the Revelations, textiles, paintings and architecture and every-day life and rituals in the European Birgittine convents.
Claes Gejrot, Mia Åkestam & Roger Andersson (ed.), the National Archives in Stockholm and Stockholm University.
The Authors: Jonathan Adams, Roger Andersson, Nirit Ben-Aryeh Debby, Nils Dverstorp, Leena Enqvist, Stuart Forbes, Ingela Hedström, Angela Kappeler, Søren Kaspersen, Eva-Marie Letzter, Kersti Markus, Maria Husabø Oen, Veronica O’Mara, Elina Räsänen, Volker Schier, Corine Schleif, Ville Walta, Anna Wolodarski & Emilia Żochowska.
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