Författare: Neuger, Leonard & Wennerholm, Rikard (eds)
ISBN: 91-7402-356-X
ISSN: 0348-1433
Antal sidor: 218
Utgivningsår: 2006
Serie: KVHAA Konferenser 60
Beställningsinformation: eddy.se
The contributions from outstanding scholars and translators, specialising in Szymborska, focus on Szymborska’s poetry from many perspectives and theoretical/philosophical standpoints. Some contributors study Szymborska’s entire production in the context of Polish modernism or the political development in Poland after the Second World War, others look at it from a gender (and even queer) perspective, yet others try to discover the linguistic, thematic or metaphysic structures which organise (or maybe disorganise) her poetry, poetry collections or single poems.
This poetry, full of paradoxes, brilliant surprises and profound philosophical inquiries (which are often questioned as well) puts the scholar/reader in a very uncomfortable, paradoxical situation: he or she has to grasp something that does not allow any grasping and hates the ones who grasp. The contributors are well aware of this fact and in many different ways they try to wrestle, each and everyone, with these paradoxes.
Contributing authors: Anders Bodegård, Sweden; Per-Arne Bodin, Sweden; Wlodzimierz Bolecki, Poland; Clare Cavanagh, USA; Malgorzata Czerminska, Poland; Rolf Fieguth, Switzerland; Knut Andreas Grimstad, Norway; Sven Gustavsson, Sweden; Renata Ingbrant, Sweden; Jerzy Jarzebski, Poland; Lars Kleberg, Sweden; Wojciech Ligeza, Poland; Leonard Neuger, Sweden; Arent van Nieukerken, The Netherlands; Malgorzata Anna Packalen, Sweden; Krzysztof Stala, Poland and Dorota Wojda, Poland.
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