Kungl. Vitterhetsakademin

Media and Political Culture in the Eighteenth Century

Media and Political Culture in the Eighteenth Century

Författare: Skuncke, Marie-Christine (ed.)
ISBN: 91-7402-344-6
Antal sidor: 131
Utgivningsår: 2005
Serie: Monografier, fristående

Beställningsinformation: eddy.se

The eighteenth century, in which the Royal Academy of Letters was created in Stockholm, was a time of intense political discussion. Concepts such as human rights and social equality were beginning to take shape in Europe and North America. Critical views spread through a variety of media which undermined the power structures of the Old Regime, gossip, newspapers, libels, memoirs, chroniques scandaleuses, engravings, etc.

When the Royal Academy of Letters celebrated its 250th anniversary in 2003, one of the events was a symposium in Stockholm entitled “Media and Political Culture in the Eighteenth Century“. The present volume includes the contributions of the four keynote lecturers:

Robert Darnton, “Mademoiselle Bonafon and the Private Life of Louis XV: Communication Circuits in Eighteenth-Century France“
Jean Sgard, “Lire le journal en 1753“ (With an English Summary)
John Brewer, “Personal Scandal and Politics in Eighteenth-Century England: Secrecy, Intimacy and the Interior Self in the Public Sphere“
Carla Hesse, “Revolutionary Rousseaus: The Story of His Editions after 1789“

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