Kungl. Vitterhetsakademin

The Dovring Saga. A story of academic immigration

The Dovring Saga. A story of academic immigration

Författare: MYRDAL, Janken
ISBN: 978-91-7402-395-4
ISSN: 0083-6788
Antal sidor: 156
Utgivningsår: 2010
Serie: Handlingar Historiska serien 24

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The subject of this book is Folke Dovring, who around 1950 tried to introduce new ideas about history based on statistical analysis and history from below. He was rejected by the Swedish academic community and left Sweden in 1953 for an international career. In 1960 he became a tenured professor of Agricultural Economics at the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign.

Some major societal processes can be studied through the biography of Dovring. One involves European conservatism in the academic world. The other important process Dovring took part in was American expansion in the intellectual world system. Dovring was one of the many scholars who left Europe in the 1950s to join the dynamic American academic community. When he later shifted focus from agrarian history and took up more political questions his position became more isolated.

Janken Myrdal has been Professor of Agrarian History at the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Uppsala, since 1994. He is a member of Vitterhetsakademien.

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